Dividend and share price

This section contains a collection of useful tools to enable investors to analyse current and historical GSK share prices on the London and New York stock exchanges.


The tool contains detailed information about GSK's share price including an interactive chart and share price download tool. Use the tabs at the top of each page to navigate between the London [GBP] and New York [USD] version of each tool.

Use charting tool

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This tool allows you to calculate the current value and the change in value of your shareholding. Use the tabs at the top of each page to navigate between the London [GBP] and New York [USD] version of each too.

Share price calculator (GBP/USD)

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Find details of our dividend timetable by quarter on Dividend calendar

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This tool allows you to calculate an estimate of your dividend payment, based on the number of shares you owned when the dividend was paid. Use the tabs at the top of each page to navigate between the London [GBP] and New York [USD] version of each too.

Dividends calculators (GBP/USD)

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Disclaimer for share price feed

The past performance of the price of securities must not be relied on as a guide to their future performance.

GSK has not reviewed, is not responsible for, and accepts no liability in respect of, any information or opinion contained on any other website.

Stock exchange and symbols

GSK is quoted on the London and New York stock exchanges.

The company’s shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange in the form of American Depositary Shares (ADSs) and these are evidenced by American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), each one of which represents two ordinary shares.

Exchange Symbol Currency