In Hong Kong and Macau, GSK employs over 100 people, and we strive to support the needs of patients and healthcare consumers, ensuring access to our pharmaceutical products and vaccines. Through collaboration with our partners, we have been supporting disease education programmes to improve health awareness and knowledge in Hong Kong and Macau.

Unfortunately, we do not provide comprehensive information about our products on this website, in compliance with regulations. You can find a list of our prescription medicines here.
Healthcare professionals in Hong Kong and Macau can visit GSKPro to obtain more information about our pharmaceutical products and vaccines. This website is only intended for healthcare professionals.
We have a broad portfolio of innovative and established medicines with commercial leadership in respiratory and HIV.

Unfortunately, we do not provide comprehensive information about our products on this website, in compliance with regulations. You can find a list of our vaccines here.
Healthcare professionals in Hong Kong and Macau can visit GSKPro to obtain more information about our pharmaceutical products and vaccines. This website is only intended for healthcare professionals.
We offer a comprehensive range of vaccines to help protect people at all stages of life.
To help patients learn more, we have been working on disease awareness and education campaigns in Hong Kong:
Learn about vaccination for babies
Our recognition
Building trust with patients and our people locally is essential to delivering on our purpose in Hong Kong and Macau. The wide recognition we received include:

- Caring Company 15 years +
Awarded by the Hong Kong Council of Social Services

- Sports Hour Company
A winner of “CO-FIT” Best Practice Showcase Recognised Companies and SportsHour Company Scheme Recognised Company. Awarded by Inspiring Hong Kong Foundation

- Happy Company
Awarded by Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong.
Our locations
Contact details
Hong Kong office
GSK Hong Kong
Suites 1004-10, 10/F,
Tower 6, The Gateway,
9 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel:+852 3189 8989
Fax: +852 3189 8931
Macau office
GSK Macau
Level 20, AIA Tower
Nos 251A-301 Avenida Commercial de Macau
Tel:+853 28715569
Fax: +853 2871 5987
Online: Patient safety reporting form (Preferred method of contact)
Telephone number: +852 31898989 (Hong Kong) or +853 28715569 (Macau)
For healthcare professionals enquiring prescription medicines and vaccines only:
Tel: +852 3622 5422
Healthcare professionals in Hong Kong and Macau can obtain information about products and areas of therapy related to GSK by visiting GSKPro.
For disclosure of payments made to healthcare professionals in Hong Kong, please visit https://hk-disclosure.gsk.com.
GSK has changed. In July 2022, we demerged our world-leading consumer healthcare business, Haleon.
For information on consumer healthcare products visit Haleon.com