Behind the science  of genetics/of HIV/of vaccines/of asthma/of cancer/of medicines/of lupus/of adjuvants/of AMR/of GSK

Innovation stories from GSK

Behind the science of genetics/of HIV/of vaccines/of asthma/of cancer/of medicines/of lupus/of adjuvants/of AMR/of GSK

Innovation stories from GSK

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‘This could be a golden moment’: Is prevention the ‘medicine’ we need to end the HIV epidemic?
5 min read time
AMR Image
‘It’s insidious and it’s getting worse’: AMR and the urgent need for novel antibiotics
5 min read time
Medical professional holding a patients hand
A preventative patient-centred approach is key to transforming respiratory care and relieving struggling services
5 min read time
Women and two children crossing a road
Millions of people living with chronic hepatitis B are unaware they have the virus. So why aren’t they getting diagnosed?
4 min read time
GSK Oncology T-cell therapy research
Biomarker testing is helping doctors find precision treatments for patients that could dramatically improve health outcomes
5 min read time
Two women with their arms around each other looking out at water
‘300 million people with chronic hepatitis B are waiting to re-start their lives. This is my story of hope.’
Maureen Kamischke - 4 min read time
Women stood in a kitchen at home
Remission could be possible for people with severe asthma, giving them a new outlook on life
6 min read time
Two adults working on laptops
Vaccinations are not just for children: why adult immunisation is a health and economic necessity
8 min read time
GSK Herpes Zoster Virus illustration
‘I had never experienced anything like it’: the pain, risks, and first symptoms of shingles every adult should know
3 min read time
Business professionals collaborating
Age-related decline in immunity: why does it matter and what can be done about it?
5 min read time
GSK quality lab team members collaborating and engaged in focussed task
What if remission were the target of lupus care?
4 min read time
R&D scientist with multi-pipette in R&D smart lab.
Following the science of oxygen to discover solutions for anaemia
2 min read time