Aligned with our mission, GSK conducts research and ensures results are publicly available
To complement GSK sponsored studies, GSK also recognises the key role that supporting external studies play to fulfil patients’ needs. Consequently, we are committed to supporting high standard ethical research conducted by external sponsors that aligns with our scientific areas of interest and further improves the understanding of our products and disease areas of research to enhance patient care.
Supported Studies are conducted by an external Sponsor with GSK’s support. The sponsor of the study is an external investigator, healthcare institution or medical network seeking support from GSK to conduct the study. There are two different ways GSK can provide support:
- Investigator Sponsored Studies (also known as Investigator-Initiated Studies, Investigator-Initiated-Trials, Investigator Initiative Research or Investigator Sponsored Research) are research entirely sponsored, designed and managed by an external sponsor. The support provided can be in the form of funding, product (including GSK products, adjuvant for vaccines, placebo, or other medicinal products necessary for the research) or both.
- Supported Collaborative Studies are research sponsored and conducted by an external sponsor, which GSK might further support by contributing with study design and deliverables in addition to the provision of funds and /or products. Under specific circumstances, GSK may also provide specialised capabilities or activities.
In both circumstances the sponsor of the research is accountable for all aspects of the study as well as for complying with all applicable ethical, regulatory and legal requirements.

For further information and submission of the research proposal for which you request support visit our portal or contact your local entity.