
At GSK, we unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together.

We prevent and treat disease with vaccines, specialty and general medicines investing in four core therapeutic areas: infectious diseases, HIV, respiratory/immunology, and oncology.

Our Ahead Together strategy means intervening early to prevent and change the course of disease, helping to protect people and support healthcare systems.

Happy smiling boy stood outdoors in the rain

Research and innovation

Innovation is fundamental to us. It helps improve people's health and creates true value. We conduct clinical research in Denmark, and we are working to initiate even more clinical trials in the coming years. We are convinced that collaborations lead to great innovations. We collaborate with healthcare, academia, patient organisations, governments, NGOs and other stakeholders through joint projects, training and by sharing our knowledge.


Satisfied and motivated employees are the key to success. We do everything we can to make working at GSK a rewarding experience. We offer an equal and flexible workplace with a culture of care and integrity, where everyone can develop, feel good and thrive regardless of background.

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Contact details

GSK Pharma A/S
Delta Park 37
DK-2665 Vallensbæk Strand
Tel: +45 3635 9100

Helle Hellberg
Head of External Affairs and Market Access
Tel: +45 24699151

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To report an adverse event, please use our online: Patient safety reporting form (preferred method).

Phone: + 45 36 35 91 00


You can also report the side effect online to the Danish Medicines Agency at:

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Healthcare professionals and patient organisations

Healthcare professionals are important partners to us. We aim at enhancing sustainable development of the healthcare sector and collaborate with other healthcare companies, authorities and healthcare organisations (HCOs) and healthcare professionals (HCPs) in a transparent way, and always with the patient’s interest in mind.

Disclosure of payments made to HCPs and HCOs in Denmark

Legislation in Denmark requires HCPs to self-disclose any engagement with a pharmaceutical company, all R&D engagements by named disclosure and congress sponsorships via the Danish Medicines Agency. Read more about the disclosure of payments made to HCPs in Denmark

Any payments to healthcare organisations (HCOs) and hospitals in Denmark are disclosed on GSKPro and in a yearly report on the homepage of ENLI (The Ethical Committee for the Pharmaceutical Industry.)

Information about GSK products and therapy areas for HCPs

Healthcare professionals in Denmark can obtain information about GSK products and therapy areas by visiting GSKPro.

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Patient organisations help patients and their carers by providing information and support. They also do important preventive work to enhance public health. We collaborate with several patient organisations to support their work for the patients. We disclose all patient organisation collaboration in real time on GSKPro.

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All pharmaceutical companies are obliged to publish the names of the external consulting companies that work in dialogue or negotiate with decision-makers on behalf of the company. These rules are there to ensure that the dialogue takes place in an open and credible way. The external consultants have been made aware of and have committed themselves to work in compliance with LIF's applicable ethical rules for dialogue and negotiation and ENLI's Lobby Code. Our collaborations are listed on GSKPro.

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GSK can provide support for scientific activities, education, projects or specific tasks. Support for education or sponsorship must be within one of GSK's areas of interest and focus, and must either benefit patients or the Danish healthcare system. GSK can only support specific activities that comply with 'Ethical rules for pharmaceutical industry donations and grants to hospitals'. (Ethics Committee for the Pharmaceutical Industry, ENLI). 

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