
At GSK, we unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together.

We prevent and treat disease with vaccines, specialty and general medicines investing in four core therapeutic areas: infectious diseases, HIV, respiratory/immunology, and oncology. 

Our Ahead Together strategy means intervening early to prevent and change the course of disease, helping to protect people and support healthcare systems.

Contact details

Kilómetro 4 carretera a Masaya.
De la Texaco 1 cuadra al Este, ½ cuadra al Sur.
Casa # III-32.
Managua, Nicaragua
Phone/Teléfono: (505) 2278-5741
Fax: (505) 2278-5741

To report an adverse event or product complaint/Para reportar un evento adverso o queja de producto:

Online: Patient safety reporting form (Preferred method of contact)

Telephone number: +(505) 67795256

Email address:

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