We focus on bringing innovative medicines and vaccines to as many Czech people as possible.
To achieve our goal it is essential to understand patient needs and diseases. Working with patient organisations is one way, which provides us with important information and helps us discover new medicines and vaccines. Patient organisations give patients support and information about how to live with their illness, represent them, defend their opinions and organise campaigns to make changes in areas that positively affect the lives of patients and their caregivers.
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Contact details
GlaxoSmithKline, s.r.o.
Hvězdova 1734 / 2c
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 222 001 111
Email: cz.info@gsk.com
The safety of our medicinal products is just as important as their efficacy. Drug safety is monitored through pharmacovigilance. In practice, safety information assessment is primarily based on reporting of adverse events by prescribing physicians or patients.
Reported events are collected in a global database and assessed in context with other data, and risks are analysed. The reported adverse events allow for detection of rare unexpected adverse reactions and quantitative assessment of expected adverse reactions. Safety alerts may have an impact on further use of a given medicinal product.
Please report any suspected adverse events to our products in writing to our mailbox: cz.safety@gsk.com
How to report a possible adverse event?
To help us process your information quickly and effectively, please remember to report as much relevant information as possible. Please provide the following information:
- The initials of the person who experienced the possible adverse event and/or other identifiers, such as gender, date of birth.
- The contact information of the reporter, namely the person who is reporting the issue.
- A description of the possible adverse event itself, such as the signs and symptoms experienced, date the possible adverse event started and the result of the possible side adverse event.
- The name of the GSK/ViiV product involved.
If you get any adverse events, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible adverse events not listed in the leaflet.
By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine. Our Privacy Notice outlines how GSK handles the processing of personal information when dealing with your enquiry, complaint or adverse event report.
Please also report to us situations of drug administration in pregnancy, overdose, abuse, medicinal product inefficacy, unexpected positive effects, possible drug interactions, misuse or off-label use and other information related to safety.
Your information will be provided to the State Institute for Drug Control* pursuant to legislation.
*By clicking on the link you will leave the GSK Czech Republic website. GlaxoSmithKline s.r.o. bears no responsibility for the following content.
Email: cz.media@gsk.com
E-mail: marta.x.kalisciak@gsk.com
GlaxoSmithKline s.r.o.
Business ID No.: 48114057
Tax ID No.: CZ48114057
The company is registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 16558.
Disclosure of payments made to healthcare professionals (HCPs) and healthcare organisations (HCOs) in the Czech Republic
In recent years GSK has challenged the traditional business model of pharmaceutical companies with industry-leading improvements to how we do business. Our improvements aim to meet society’s growing expectation that organisations and individuals should act transparently. This also includes relationships between our industry and healthcare professionals or healthcare organisations. They aim to ensure that all of these interactions are conducted with integrity and transparency.
We fully support the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) Code on the disclosure of individual payments from pharmaceutical companies to healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations.*
Under the code, and by 30 June 2018, EFPIA member companies across Europe, including GSK, pledged to disclose each fee paid in 2017 to a HCP or HCO in connection with prescription medicines by name (aggregate by exception only).
The disclosed data include, for example, HCP consultancy fees, meeting chair fees, sponsorship, and grants to HCOs. Payments to HCPs and HCOs for activities related to research and development have been disclosed as an aggregate number. The disclosures we made in June 2018 under the EFPIA code relate to 2017.
We believe these disclosures will help create a better understanding of how the pharmaceutical industry works with HCPs and HCOs. Through the measures that GSK has put in place we seek to increase confidence in, and understanding of, how and why we work with healthcare professions for the sustainable improvement of healthcare and in the best interest of patients. More information on our approach to the EFPIA code, our proposals for improvements to pharmaceutical industry practices, and the importance of our partnerships with HCPs and HCOs can be found below.
View our payments for the Czech Republic here.*
*By clicking on the link you will leave the GSK Czech Republic website. GlaxoSmithKline s.r.o. bears no responsibility for the following content.
For grant information and grant applications
Email: cz.granty@gsk.com
View an overview of our patient advocacy group support from 2020 – 2023 (PDF -163KB)